Thursday, May 25, 2017

Raven - Violence Begins With a Fork (Craneal Fracture Records,2016)

Here is our old friend Djordje with another brutal sound massacre. Like we are already used to, albums from this anarcho vegan harsh noise project always stand up against consumerism, capitalism, animal rights. This time titla and cover photo tells us all - very depressing photo of a pig ready for slaughter, in blood red color and sides are titled  a:Violence Begins With a Fork and b:Unleash the Cages. Raven is 99% of time loudest project out there (probably many will have different opinions, but i am not joking here guys, just take any project you think its loud and put it side by side with any Raven album and you will see what i am talking about...), and like always he stays firm in his loud aggressive position but with a twist. This album is loud and aggressive  but also depressive as hell. You have brutal layers of noise but also some deep muddy sounds in background. I can even recognize what it is - it could be screaming voices or animals suffering or anything, but you have really big feel of unease while listening to this one. Don't need much to describe here, Raven's noise is always on very high level, always real, no artsy shit... Only thing that bothers me is that Djordje slowed down his output a bit, after first few years with 100+ releases in total (and crazy long split series with almost every name from the scene on Shit Noise Records), now we have last few years with a bit less releases probably due to the fact that many noise labels started going more for aforementioned artsy noise stuff. So if any of you label owners read this - call Djordje and make some new albums (i will have to empty one more shelf to fit new wave of Raven's albums but who needs that much clothing anyway...)
So check Raven's stuff at
This album at Raven - Violence Begins With a Fork
And this fine label you surely have to check - plenty of nice things there! Craneal Fracture Records

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